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Artikel 40260-100


Hammock made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, stainless steel suspension devices, with red netted hammock and chain connection.

CHF 3'040.–
Artikel 40261

Toddler swing

Toddler swing made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, with toddler swing seat, suspension devices and chain connection in stainless steel.

CHF 1'285.–
Artikel 40262


Playnest made of chemically untreated robinia heartwood, sanded, stainless steel suspension devices, bird's nest ø 99 cm.

CHF 2'615.–
Artikel 66670


Hammock made of hot-dip galvanised steel tube, lying mat made of red net mesh, with suspension devices and chain connection made of stainless steel, minimum installation depth 50 cm.

CHF 2'980.–
Artikel 66680

Play nest

Play nest made of hot-dip galvanised tubular steel, suspension devices made of stainless steel, bird's nest ø 99 cm, minimum installation depth 50 cm.

CHF 2'460.–
Artikel 66682

Toddler swing

Toddler swing made of hot-dip galvanised tubular steel, with toddler swing seat, suspension devices and chain connection in stainless steel, minimum installation depth 50 cm.

CHF 1'120.–
Bürli AG
Bürli Spiel- und Sportgeräte AG
Längmatt 1
CH-6212 St. Erhard
Telefon 041 925 14 00

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday:
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 17.00
07.30 – 12.00 / 13.15 – 16.30



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Fall height (cm)
Space required (cm)
Price in CHF
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